My Creepy Collections

divider with flashing jack-o-lanterns

Check out some of my favorite spooky graphics from around the web! Click for their source.

divider with flashing jack-o-lanterns

Divider with thick pumpkin vines, fall-colored leaves, and cute ghosts Divider with thick pumpkin vines, fall-colored leaves, and cute ghosts


a glittery image with zombies in a rockband wearing 1970's clothes. Text says
        'Have a rockin rollin Halloween!'

Divider with thick pumpkin vines, fall-colored leaves, and cute ghosts Divider with thick pumpkin vines, fall-colored leaves, and cute ghosts


What would Scooby Doo?
Happy Halloween! Black cats are LUCKY! Sorry I was late to church. I was practicing witchcraft and becoming a Lesbian. Got Ghosts? Freak Don't dream it, be it Happy Halloween!

divider with flashing jack-o-lanterns


Skeleton putting on Sunglasses Old cartoon skeletons dancing in a row Old cartoon skeleton taking off its head and throwing it at you cute cartoon ghosts on a black background Many red eyes opening on a black background Green text that says 'I Love Monsters' on a purple background Bats flying into a red moon Purple cat growing many smiling mouths Text that says 'I <3 halloween' on a background of jack-o-lanterns