- Alright, I think my time-capsule-ification of this place is mostly done. I added my "under construction" page to the galleries. I hope you all enjoy this website as much as I enjoyed making it!
- You can now find me at cobyzaby.neocities.org, which is quite a different vibe, but more representative of where I'm at now. It will be under construction for the foreseeable future!
- Made some minor updates to clean things up a bit. I started on a new website because this one was getting too unwieldy and I wanted to try making a site without relying on a preexisting CSS framework. I'll be doing a couple more updates here, but for now this site will mostly be left as-is, as a bit of a time capsule. I'm quite proud of it, and I want to save my work! Once I'm ready, I'll share the link to my new site.
- P.S. - there are a few broken links and random images that are gone. It's unlikely that I'll have the motivation to fix all of these things, but I will do my best to fix what I see as most important. Maybe there's a bit of charm to it~ (which is my excuse)
- Long time no see!
- Made a randomizer for making sims. It's a little lazily constructed, and it's not linked from any main page, but you can find it at /sims/simsrandomizer.html
- Updated the index page and did some minor updates to each of the main pages.
- The shrine page and the gallery page were combined into the "Museum"
- The nav bar update has been applied to the museum, the library, and the links page.
- New homepage is live!
- Still working on the landing/entrance page
- Added the new nav bar to my 'About' page
- Getting very close to done with the new homepage layout! After that I plan to get an index page up, and then I'll hopefully update the other main pages.
- Started work on a new homepage layout!
- New blog post!
- More minor updates to the blog CSS--fixing link colors & stuff
- New blog post!
- Also made some slight updates to the blog's css. No more flashing glitter, and larger text.
- Added a section to the sims page where all of my Faerun Legacy blog posts can be viewed.
- Added a shrine to the sims! I'll be posting my "scrapbook" for my latest legacy challenge there soon.
- New Myspace profile pic!
- Minor updates to CSS of microblog page
- Added some decorations to my Myspace group and added some new members
- Revamped the CSS of my Art Gallery page
- Added some collages and another drawing to my Art Gallery page
- Added a section for microblogs cause sometimes I don't wanna think about what I write
- Added some ppl to my Myspace top 8
- Added some comments & made pages for some irl friends
- Added a snippet to my AI Dungeon shrine
- 40 followers!! Hello, and thank you!
- Minor CSS update on the blog (added indents bc they look prettier imo)
- New Blog Post! I've got another website!
- Edited the secret page a bit
- Added a comment box to the blog! Still unsure of an efficient way to get it to show different comments for different posts, so if anyone
has ideas on that front, feel free to message me!
- Added a side bar that shows a preview of my most recent blog post here on the homepage :)
- New blog post! I guess I'm really in a writing mood lately.
- Started an AI dungeon/AI dungeon stream shrine!
- I added some more decorations to the main pages. I really love the look of those image-heavy sites.
- Updated the HTML/CSS tutorial page and added a link to it in the Library
- Lots of updates to CSS of blog page.
- Archive page for blogs is up!
- Started a blog page.
- I now have the blog up and running! I even have a hand-coded tag search! Quite proud of it ehehe
- Started adding some articles that I like to the library
- New awards and new badges/mini cliques!
- Added a "hello uglies" blinkie to the freebies section for my Boulet Brothers fans out there

- I'm now listed in Neocities Soho!
- Added another thingy to freebies/art gallery. I'm really enjoying making dollz rn.
- More stuff up in the misc gallery. I may be,,, slightly addicted to gathering graphics.
- Oh hey the site is a month old now!

- I ended up making so many little blinkies and things last night that I decided to make a whole new page for freebies. Enjoy!
- I also actually put up a small piece of art that's not pixel stuff in the gallery

- Changed "My Gifs" gallery to "My Art" gallery
- Added a freebies section in my art gallery

- Added some links to wayback machine pages on the Links page
- Put a funky little blurb on my about page

- Kinda zoned out for a bit and forgot to add this to updates the other day, but I'm working on a Halloween shrine!
Ideally it'll have some collections of images along with some tabs dedicated to my favorite horror/horror-adjacent
pieces of media.
- Working on making an HTML/CSS tutorial page!
- Updated the music page! It's no longer an outgoing link.
- Started up a website-building tutorial page
- I really wanted a music player that played youtube videos, and instead of going the easy route and looking one up,
I tried to program one in Javascript myself. I'm quite proud of what I have so far, but I want it to be able to play
videos one after another without me having to go make a youtube playlist. Reading through those API pages is
quite confusing, so I'm probably done with javascriptin' for today.
If you have any tips or links please
send them my way!
- Made some updates to The Town
- Added some new music on a couple pages
- "The Town" is now up in the Galleries! I'm not very good at naming things lmao. It's my little attempt at a social-simulator-ish time waster. I'll be
updating it on and off with new features, so stay tuned if that sort of thing is your jam!
- My experiments in the Mad Science Lab are going well! Hopefully by the end of the night I'll post some version of the program I made
in the Galleries section. It's a very simple time-waster-type thing, but I think it's cute and I'm quite proud of what I've learned in
Javascript so far!
- I have an actual toybox now! All the adopts I've gotten that aren't displayed on my home page are now displayed
in a gallery.
- The badge for my secret page is up!
- I was added to the Yesterweb Ring!
- I started learning javascript!
I have an idea for a project with some adopts I got, so I may be working on that for a bit
- Did a HUGE style overhaul. I like this one 'cause it goes with the toad theme but also has some spacey stuff, which I think is cool :)
- Added an image credits page!
- I got JAUPed!
- continuing to edit the library ;-; why is it so hard to decide on a theme/layout?
- added 'favorites' section to my about page
- changed some colors and images around
- messed around A LOT with the main page's CSS. My aesthetic is so torn between dark/hurt-your-eyes and cute/chill agh! Expect the site theme to change
quite a lot.
- Added a miscellaneous gallery
- Added some mini cliques 'cause I think they're cute
- The Gif Gallery is now up! (not much in it yet tho)
- I named all my pets!
- "Poetry" link changed to "Library". I'd like to do a little more to that page.
- Started making some new CSS for the Library page
- rounded some borders
- added texture on footer
- fixed heading padding & margins once again
- added custom scrollbars!
- added some more poems
- Links to poems are now up!
- Added update box!
- Finally made a site button ;u;
- Workin hard on adding poetry >:)